How to Build a Kitchen: Advice for Revising a First Draft
We always love our Shiny New Idea and think it will be the best thing we’ve ever written. But first drafts are never perfect, and there is often a lot of structural work that needs to be done before they turn into solid manuscripts.
First-Person POV vs. Third-Person POV: Which Should You Use for a Middle-Grade or Young Adult Story?
In general, which POV is right for middle-grade novels and which is right for young-adult novels?
My Advice for New Year’s Writing Resolutions: Don’t Make Any
New Year’s resolutions are a bad idea. We’ve all made them. We’ve all failed at them. We all somehow think that THIS year will be different. But we are always wrong.
All I Want for the Holidays: Time to Write
Taking time for yourself is not selfish. Instead it is about recognizing that your need to create is valid and makes you happier and healthier. And if you’re anything like me, it also makes you more pleasant to be around.