Grammar Rant: Stop Making Up Words!
Irregardless of What You Think, The Reoccurrence of Made Up Words Is Not Okay
Character Desire: What Your Character Wants, Needs, and Doesn’t Even Know She Is Missing
Romance novels have given a whole different connotation to the word “desire,” but desire in literature doesn’t have anything to do with intimate relationships or lust. Without it, there is…
Character Desire: What Your Character Wants, Needs, and Doesn’t Even Know She’s Missing
Romance novels have given a whole different connotation to the word “desire,” but desire in literature doesn’t have anything to do with intimate relationships or lust. Without it, there is…
Skip the New Year’s Writing Resolutions
Stop making lists of resolutions. Don’t even say that you are going to write after the kids go to bed every night for two hours. You can’t make that promise to yourself and it isn’t realistic.